Thursday 15 August 2013

Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013

Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Biography

Draeyk wrote "im curious as to where people are on the pets issue as well since its something ive had a hard time over. i was absolutely against the keeping of pets. animals reared and bred for our own use and benefit. i guess when the're from a shelter its better but isnt it like second hand leather goods? shouldnt we try and close down this industry of exploitation?

i used to argue this at very many animal rights meets... ppl who had dogs running around all over and breeding left, right and centre... that it was irresponsible and counter to an animal rights agenda. "

In my opinion ideally in a utopic Vegan world of the future. NO. We could perhaps eventually develop relationships with other species...but I think it would take a while before we could be trusted to do this.

But in this world. YES. We created the problem and therefore it is our duty to have companion animals to treat them as equals and to respect and honor them. This goes agianst depriving their rights to reproduce. But unfortunately the society being what it is I think it is our responsibility to spay and neuter them too.

That is perhaps the only area in which I do not respect animal rights, but I think that the alternatives caused by our sick and depraved society justify this violation. I agree with you, at least in theory. If the choice we're presently faced with is (a) to release domesticated animals to fend for themselves (most of which would die pretty quickly and painfully), (b) euthanize them or (c) give them homes where they can be safe and fed for the rest of their lives, my ethical compass says "c".

Concurrent with that, it's important to work to eliminate the sources of those animals that need homes. And I would like to see a world where any companion animals were just those who chose to be around humans on their own accord, not those kept by fences and leashes. That's a long way away, tho'.

I do still have deep misgivings about petfood industry. It disturbs me to consider that chickens and other animals are killed to feed our cats. While I realize that cats would naturally hunt birds, I still don't like our meddling in the process.The biggest problem is the massive overpopulation of cats and dogs who are left to fend for themselves in our urban environments - which means they end up getting horrible diseases, suffering, being tortured, murdered, etc., ... and then procreating so the cycle gets worse. I definitely believe that it's part of being an animal rights activist to adopt/foster who we can, to advocate spaying and neutering, and to fight for state-wide laws and actions to make breeding, pet stores, etc., illegal. It's all about reducing suffering.

Being the person that I am, I feel a very stong connection with any living thing. Whether it's a bug or a dog. I always feel like I should save an animal if I feel that it is in distress. My cat, Maliq loves to kill chipmonks and everything else. Any time that I see him getting sometimes I immediately run outside and scopp him up and let the animal go. But, I have learned that most times it is best to let him finish killing the animal if he has already hurt it because it is best for him to kill the animal than to let it suffer.

I just got back from a walk a bit ago where I heard a bird chirping and noticed it was on the pavement and that it was young and couldn't fly. I was with two kids and my 16 year old sister who is very opposite of me. My initial reaction was to try and pick it up and then I don't know... look online how to help. Immediately my sister says" you care too much about animals". And then a man heard what was going on and says don't mess with it it's probably abandoned and birds have disease. So I just left it alone. I got back home and started to cry because I knew that I didn't do what i wanted. I went back with a towel to try to find it and it was gone. What disgusts me more than the fact that this "artist" (psychopath) though of this and did it.
and more that this is considered "art" and what it means for real artists
and more than that artistic organizations acclaimed the work.
and even more than that the gallery (sociopaths) allowed it to happen

is that people 

watched this and DID NOTHING...that not even ONE person who saw this thought of feeding the poor dog, giving him water even if they didn't have the balls to rescue him. No one even thought of helping him...This to me says a lot about the people of Honduras.

Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013
Funny Animal Pictures For Kids Free Photos Images Pictures 2013

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